Receiving Payment for the Work You Love
You’ve found your passion – providing massage for those in hospice/palliative care. You’ve taken the courses and you’re ready!
You’ve found your passion – providing massage for those in hospice/palliative care. You’ve taken the courses and you’re ready!
Not long into my gentle-touch massage, she boldy says,“You’d get fired the very first day!”
As I drive, I wonder… did that make a difference? Was she even aware I was there? Is the service I just provided worthy of the $ the hospice agency is paying me?
Even as more and more massage therapists are recognized and included on staff, some of us struggle to be paid for the work we love.
The reality is… not all clients, at all times will accept the service we are offering. Wait… What? But you’re ready! You’ve honed your hands-on skills, you’ve practiced and you’re ready to provide rest and relaxation for this very special person.
As I teach others the basics of gentle-touch massage, I now have the words to better explain what I’ve internalized for years… a way of meditating while easing pain and anxiety for the person for which I provide care using gentle-touch massage.
When thinking about massage in general, you likely think about a 60-min session and deep pressure. It’s the standard most people consider. And, if you’re a healthy, robust person, a 60-min, deep tissue massage is very appropriate. Many don’t consider it a massage unless they feel pain while on the massage table.
Now that I’ve had time to reflect on his statements and genuine feelings, I realize how insensitive I was when mentioning my own feelings of isolation. He hopes that through this pandemic, others will realize how chronic illness feels every day.
I’d have to be a lawyer to fully understand the law on this subject. However, I found helpful information and a breakdown of the current law by state.
My touch stopped the shaking right away. And then her breathing slowed and her body relaxed. She was able to take a few deep breaths while they worked, which seemed to calm her even more.
The power of a simple hold when someone is in distress is real. I prove it to myself again and again.
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