Have you ever felt like a complete failure? I know I sure have...
Robert Kennedy once said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly.”
It doesn’t matter what you were trying to do… something as simple as preparing a meal or as complicated as flying a plane, or anywhere in between. We sometimes fail, right?
We tend to be hard on ourselves when things don’t go just right – or at least I do. I wouldn’t call myself a perfectionist, but I do like things to turn out well. I know you can relate.
When we think about the role of caregiving – goodness, there are so many things we can consider a failure:
- Patient is unhappy
- Patient is frustrated and stressed out
- Patient wants ice cream instead of the pudding they just asked for
- Patient wants the room cooler, and then warmer
- Patient is in pain or uncomfortable
The list really can go on and on…
Much of what we do as a caregiver becomes routine. Once we succeed at that routine, our patient suddenly changes it and we can feel frustrated or like we’ve failed.
The purpose of this writing is to encourage you today. None of us can get through life without some kind of failure.
What matters is how we respond to that failure.
Let’s agree to seek inspiration from our failures; a way to learn from them. We then know how to adapt so that we can be successful the next time.
So… here’s a huge portion of encouragement from me to you. Nothing more, nothing less.
I hope it lifts your spirits today.
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REMEMBER: “Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly.”