Are you tired of not being able to brush your own hair?
Are you experiencing pain, reduced range of motion, lymphedema, axillary web syndrome (also known as cording) or frozen shoulder?
I understand the effects of surgery and radiation on the tissue and how to mobilize it to restore healthy function to the fascia and musculoskeletal system. I am ALWAYS mindful of the lymphatic system. It has likely been compromised due to node removal during surgery or lymph vessels damaged during radiation, therefore all work is gentle.

Axillary Web Syndrome (also know as Cording)ore, all work is gentle.
I get it… I understand:
- the effects of mastectomy surgery
the effects of radiation therapy, both acute and long-term
the emotional trauma that can be held in tissues
the effects of scar tissue from surgery and radiation
the anatomy and function of the lymphatic system
how to provide manual lymphatic drainage techniques
how to provide scar tissue mobilization to areas treated with surgery and radiation
how to provide corrective massage techniques to treated and surrounding soft-tissue area