A Guide for Massage Therapists:
How to Provide Gentle-Touch in Home or Care Facility
Interested in working with those with advanced illness or at the end-of-life?
"My biggest concern is how I will handle it emotionally - am I ready?"
"I've spent years doing a firm pressure. Will I be able to change? As my sister was going through the last weeks of her life I was able to massage her and saw how it helped to settle her."
"Just trying to get started in this aspect of work. I am no longer care giving for my mother. Now looking at incorporating this into my practice."
Are you ready to provide rest, relaxation and comfort for your clients/patients?
IMAGINE... you know a specific way to provide massage for those with advanced illness and at the end-of-life. You can reduce the pain, the stress, the anxiety. You have a step-by-step method to provide gentle, effective and safe touch.
IMAGINE... adding years to your career potential by reducing the amount of physical work while making a real difference in the lives of others.