Just imagine…
Your loved-one with less pain
Doing “something” to make them feel better
Your loved one resting peacefully
Massage is recognized as a legitimate therapy for some painful conditions. It can relax painful muscles, tendons and joints. It can relieve stress and anxiety; and might even help to close the pain gate by stimulating nerve fibers working against each other impeding pain messages to and from the brain.
The most recent national estimate suggests that 126 million adults suffer from some pain in a given year with about one-third (40 million adults) suffering from severe pain. See full research article here.
Pain can be complex and depending on severity and source, might require medical team involvement. However, pain that responds well to gentle-touch massage:
Pre-existing conditions such as arthritis
Pain from old injuries such as shoulder pain from an old football injury
Pain from immobility
Pain from inadequate support; example placing a pillow under the knees for comfort
Emotional pain that comes from stress and anxiety
Are you?
Spending your days frustrated and angry because you don’t know what to do to help your loved-one feel better?
Tormented by guilt wishing there was SOMETHING you could do?
Trying your best day-in and day-out, and you still end up feeling helpless?